El Pont de Suert

Falles of Pont de Suert. 23/06. 22h00

El Pont de Suert

El Pont de Suert 150 150 Prometheus.Museum

Despite its historical roots, the festival ceased to be celebrated in 1946. With the socioeconomic impact caused by the arrival of the hydroelectric works and a significant number of immigrants, the falles were replaced by bonfires in the different neighborhoods, with locals competing to see who could make the biggest. In 1987, however, the falles festival was revived.

Preparation for the festival starts a couple of months in advance when wood is collected from the forest. The wood is chopped up to dry and the hazelnut poles are prepared. The falles used in Pont de Suert are made by nailing and binding four lengths of pinewood to the thickest end of a hazelnut pole. Fifteen days before the festival, the beacon is erected: a pine tree is cut down and then erected as a beacon. It is covered with brushwood to make sure it burns well.

On Saint John’s Eve, the fallaires carry the falles up to the beacon, rattling bells. Around ten o’clock in the evening, they light the beacon and begin the torchlight procession. The fallaires wind their way down the mountain, making a long snake of fire that is clearly visible from the village. When in sight of the village, the church bells start to toll and they start running, crossing the Aragó bridge, up Carrer d’Avall towards the Town Square and the Mercadal. When they arrive, they form a ring and throw the falles in the center, making a large bonfire. Then drinks are handed out and the party goes on until dawn.

On the same night, there is also a version of this tradition for children, which consists of erecting a beacon at a point along the route near the village and Torchlight descent.

Organized by : Association des fallaires de Pont de Suert
More information : https://visitaelpontdesuert.com/falles/
Email : turisme@elpontdesuert.com
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/turismeelpontdesuert/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ajelpontdesuert
Village Council : +34 973 68 00 38

To find out more
Riart, O. i Jordà S. (2012). “Catalogació de les falles al Pirineu. Descripció dels processos i elements fallaires”, Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya, nº38, 162-173.
Riart, O. i Jordà, S. (2016). Les falles del Pirineu. L’Alta Ribagorça i el Pallars Sobirà. Lleida: Pagès editors.
Farré Sahún, X.; Ricart, S. (2016) Foc al faro. La fiesta de las fallas en el Pirineo. Zaragoza: Prames

Photos and videos


Pont de Suert falles

El Pont de Suert falles

Pont de Suert
Fallas in Pont de Suert. Photograph: M. Pueyo (Pont de Suert Village hall)

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