Andorra la Vella

Cremada de falles (Burn of falls). 23/06. 22h00

Andorra la Vella

Andorra la Vella 150 150 Prometheus.Museum

The most characteristic aspect of falles celebrations in Andorra is the fact that the torches are spun in circles. Although there is documentation about the falles that dates from the beginning of the 20th century (1905-1907), the tradition disappeared almost completely due to socio-economic changes in the fifties and sixties, and was only celebrated within close family circles. The tradition was revived in 1987 by a group of young people, however. Now, the falles festival begins in the square of Puial with a so-called “baptism of fire” in which 16-year-olds graduate from swinging balls of (electric) light to swinging burning torches. The youngsters swing the traditional falla torches and then the procession begins through the historic center of Andorra la Vella to the village hall where there is music to accompany the fallaires. Afterwards, the route continues to the Plaça Guillemó, where the torches are used to light the Sant John bonfire and there is a dance by the Andorra la Vella witches’ association. The falles are made with paper looking like bark that is wrapped in a wire mesh and attached to a chain. Since 2005, children have also taken part in the “Falles de Llum,” in which they swing falles made of lights. The falles festival is organized by the Associació de Fallaires d’Andorra la Vella, which is part of the Taula nacional de falles de les Valls d’Andorra, created in 2017 to unite the different groups and ensure the tradition survives.

Organized by : Associació de Fallaires d’Andorra la Vella. La Llacuna Cultural Center, 3rd floor. AD500 Andorra la Vella
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To find out more :
Burgos, R. ; Roig, A. (2019) Les falles de Sant Joan d’Andorra. Quan les rodes del foc encenen les valls. Andorra: Govern d’Andorra. Ministeri de Cultura i Esports. Andorra, febrer 2019.
Roig, A. (2018). Roda el foc. 30 anys de falles a Andorra la Vella. Andorra-Lleida: Pagès editors.
Miró, C. (2008). “Les falles d’Andorra, un referent folklòric perdut i recuperat”, Ex-Libris 12, Biblioteca Nacional.
Roig, A. (2019) Les falles d’Andorra, Patrimoni immaterial de la humanitat. Una festa que creix i uneix dia rere dia. Andorra: Govern d’Andorra. Ministeri de Cultura i Esports. Andorra, febrer 2019.

Photos and videos

Associació de Fallaires d’Andorra la Vella

Ministry of Culture of Andorra

Andorra La Vella Falles. Photograph: Associació de Fallaires d’Andorra la Vella

Andorra La Vella Falles. Photograph: Associació de Fallaires d’Andorra la Vella

Andorra La Vella Falles. Photograph: Associació de Fallaires d’Andorra la Vella

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