The Falles of Encamp are celebrated following the model of the other falles of Andorra, making them roll. In Encamp the festival begins at 21 hours, with a show by the Colla de Diables d’Andorra that burn the falles. Then the bonfire is lit, and a parade is made through the streets of the town, which end with a concert. In the Pas de la Casa, the festival also begins with the lighting of the bonfire and the parade with the falles.
Organized by : Comú d’Encamp
More information :
Instagram : @fallesandorra
Phone for info : +376 873 200
To find out more :
Burgos, R. ; Roig, A. (2019) Les falles de Sant Joan d’Andorra. Quan les rodes del foc encenen les valls. Andorra: Govern d’Andorra. Ministeri de Cultura i Esports. Andorra, febrer 2019.
Roig, A. (2018). Roda el foc. 30 anys de falles a Andorra la Vella. Andorra-Lleida: Pagès editors.
Miró, C. (2008). “Les falles d’Andorra, un referent folklòric perdut i recuperat”, Ex-Libris 12, Biblioteca Nacional.
Roig, A. (2019) Les falles d’Andorra, Patrimoni immaterial de la humanitat. Una festa que creix i uneix dia rere dia. Andorra: Govern d’Andorra. Ministeri de Cultura i Esports. Andorra, febrer 2019.