Museum production

The project to make this museum began in early 2020 within the Prometheus Interreg POCTEFA project.  Shortly after, in full confinement and when the festivals could not be celebrated, we created a provisional museum of urgency, to replace in some way those parties that could not be celebrated in the streets of the villages. This is how the Prometheus.Museum began to walk.

The Museum has been the result of a long process where many people have participated: the partners of the project, the associations and communities fallaires, the town halls of the villages, the researchers of the festivities . . .

The realization of the project has mobilized more than a hundred people among experts in anthropology and museology, specialists in didactics, journalists, artists, photographers, cameras, video makers, draftsmen, computer scientists, web designers, translators, … In many villages we have interviewed people who have explained their knowledge, their feelings, their concerns. Thank you all very much!

In the following videos the members of the team explain their participation in the project and how it has been carried out. In the bibliographic references you will be able to know more about the philosophy and challenges of this virtual museum.

Museum Coordination Team


Sofia Isus

Director of the Chair in Education and Intangible Heritage in the Pyrenees, University of Lleida. Fallaire of Isil.


Xavier Roigé Ventura

Professor of anthropology and museology at the University of Barcelona.


Virginie Soulier

“Maitre de conferénces” in museology and information sciences at the University of Perpignan-Via Domitia


Mathilde Lamothe

Ethnologist. Researcher at the CIRDOC-Institut Occitan de Cultura.


Marc Ballesté Escorihuela

Postdoctoral researcher at the Chair in Education and Intangible Heritage in the Pyreneess, University of Lleida.

To learn more + how the museum has been thought and its philosophy

Roigé, X.; Soulier, V.; Lamothe, M.; Ballesté, M.; Bellas, L. (2022) “El Projecte del museu virtual PROMETHEUS”. Fàbregas, P.; Farran, C. (eds.) Actes del Simposi Internacional Festes del Foc dels Solsticis als Pirineus Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura, 222-235.

Roigé Ventura, X.; Bellas, L.; Soulier, V. (2022). El Museo Virtual de las Fiestas del Fuego del Pirineo. Un museo en línea a partir del patrimonio inmaterial. En CIMED21 – I Congreso internacional de museos y estrategias digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 151-166.

Soulier, V. ; Roigé, X. (2022) « Comment valoriser le patrimoine culturel immatériel via un musée numérique : Le projet », Communication & langages, 211, 87-109.

Commissaires scientifiques du Musée

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