The falles torches, which are made of resinous wood bound to a handle made out of hazel, are prepared by volunteers many days in advance. The small torches used for lighting are made out of hazel. On Saturday, after various activities and a large meal of ribs, the fallaires go up to the beacon located at 1,490 m. There they light the falles and then they go down to the Serradet. As in all the falles in the mountains, the torchlight descent is a thrilling visual spectacle which reaches its height when it reaches the village, where remaining villages applaud the fallaires. They all throw the falles on fire at the same time, forming a large circle around a large pine tree (the so-called mai or maypole) barked and erected next to the chapel of Sant Climent. The same trunk is used more than once and is left standing all year round. The celebrations end with fireworks and dancing.
Name in Catalan: Aneto
Name in Spanish: Aneto
Name, in Aragonese: Aneto
Organized by :
Email :
Village Council : +34 974 554 009
To find out more
Serrano, R.; Farré, X. (2017) Las fallas del Pirineo aragonés. Zaragoza: Prames.
Farré Sahún, X.; Ricart, S. (2016) Foc al faro. La fiesta de las fallas en el Pirineo. Zaragoza: Prames
Photos and videos
Aneto Falles. Montanui Village Hall
Poster of the Aneto Falles.