
Baixada de falles (Bringing the falles down to Casós). 23/06. 22h00


Casós 150 150 Prometheus.Museum

The Casós falles ceased to be celebrated in 1986, and weren’t revived until 2001. The falla, as in the other villages of the region, is a resinous piece of wood about 2 meters long. On Saint John’s Eve, the fallaires take the forest track up to the beacon (Serrafuga, 1,310 m.) There they have a meal of ribs together around the bonfire. When it gets dark, the bonfire is used to light the falles. Currently, the fallaires enter the village past the Casa Minyana on their way to the village square, where they make a large bonfire out of the falles. The fire festival, which is very important for families, is now well established after the break during the late twentieth century.

Mairie de Pont de Suert
More information :
Village Council : +34 645 01 04 02

To find out more
Riart, O. i Jordà, S. (2016). Les falles del Pirineu. L’Alta Ribagorça i el Pallars Sobirà. Lleida: Pagès editors

Photos and videos

Casós falles 2013

Casós falles.

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