
Baixada de les falles (Torchlight descent in Llesp). Fourth Saturday in July. 10h00


Llesp 150 150 Prometheus.Museum

After an absence of 60 years, the falles returned to Llesp in 2009, and today they are the final event in Alta Ribagorça calendar. The falles are made from the trunk of a Scots pine that is debarked and chopped open with two incisions at one end, much like those in Isil. The falles are prepared two months in advance. As in other villages, the fallaires go up to the beacon, from where they begin the descent towards the village. The beacon is located in Tartero (1,110 m.), but instead of a large bonfire, there are several small bonfires to ensure the forest doesn’t catch fire. Like the brandons over the border in Occitania, the trunk of a tall Scots pine some 6 meters high is covered with dried grass and erected in the village. The village children light their own falles, which they use to light the brandon in the square, the signal for the beacon on the Tartero to be lit and for the fallaires to begin their descent. When they arrive in the village, they make their way along a number of streets and end up in the square, where they place the falles at the foot of the brandon. The party ends with a local pastry called coca and muscatel wine.

More information : http://www.turismealtaribagorca.cat http://www.elpontdesuert.cat
Email : Mairie@elpontdesuert.cat
Village Council : +34 973 690 005

To find out more
Riart, O. i Jordà S. (2012). “Catalogació de les falles al Pirineu. Descripció dels processos i elements fallaires”, Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya, nº38, 162-173.
Farré Sahún, X.; Ricart, S. (2016) Foc al faro. La fiesta de las fallas en el Pirineo. Zaragoza: Prames

Photos and videos

The Llesp falles 2017

Llesp falles 2019

Falles in Llesp

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