Erill la Vall

Torchlight descent. Saturday of the Festa Major de Sant Cristòfor (July 10th). 22h00

Erill la Vall

Erill la Vall 150 150 Prometheus.Museum

Like most of the villages in the Boí Valley, the festivities in Erill la Vall involve a torchlight descent from the beacon.  The torches are also crafted in the Ribagorçana style, with four lengths of pine nailed to the end of a hazel pole and bound with wire. The falla is made from green pine that has been cut a few weeks earlier, preferably a smooth pine without too many knots. The beacon is now located at 1,450 m., a place with magnificent views over the valley. Two smaller beacons are erected for those who do not want to make the long journey: one for older villagers and one for the children, the latter at the entrance of the town.

On the night of the falles, which takes place in July to coincide with the village festival, the torch-carriers climb up the mountain to light the beacon. This is then used to light the falles, which are bring down to the village creating a long line of fire. The Erill falles is one of the best-known festivals due to the route of the descent and the excellent view from the village. Upon arriving at the village, the fallaires break into a run along the Carrer del Tarter to the Plaça de Dalt, circling the town several times. The festivities culminate with the lighting of a large bonfire and dancing until dawn.

More information :
Instagram : #falleserilllavall
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Village Council : +34 973 69 40 00

To find out more
Riart, O. i Jordà S. (2012). “Catalogació de les falles al Pirineu. Descripció dels processos i elements fallaires”, Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya, nº38, 162-173.
Riart, O. i Jordà, S. (2016). Les falles del Pirineu. L’Alta Ribagorça i el Pallars Sobirà. Lleida: Pagès editors.
Ricart, S. i Farré, X. (2012). Foc al faro, la festa de les falles al Pirineu. Taüll: AlpinArt.
Farré Sahún, X.; Ricart, S. (2016) Foc al faro. La fiesta de las fallas en el Pirineo. Zaragoza: Prames

Photos and videos

Erill la Vall falles Vall de Boí (official channel)

Falles in the Vall de Boí

Erill la Vall
Falles before being taken up to the beacon. Erill la Vall, 2008. Photograph: Oriol Riart

Erill la Vall
Lighting of the falles. Erill la Vall, 2008. Photograph: Oriol Riart

Erill la Vall
Carrying a falla. Erill la Vall, 2008. Photograph: Oriol Riart

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